Monica Heart


The Princess of Pensacola 

Monica Heart has been in the drag industry for over 15 years, taking inspiration from the Jewels of the Gulf Coast: Lauren Mitchell, Penny Holiday, and Ebony Sinclair. She is the show director at The Roundup, is a former Pensacola DreamGirl ClosetBall, and was the 1st BEST OF THE COAST ENTERTAINER awarded by Inweekly Magazine. Most recently she won the title of Miss Icon 2023 in Tuscaloosa, AL. She is one of four Heart sisters, and her lineage continues on with daughters: Raquel Rae Heart and Lehua Lei Heart. Her goal is to connect traditional Gulf Coast Drag to the ever growing future of drag entertainment as a whole. 

"The world turns, the world changes."

For booking information contact her via Facebook Messenger or email at