Ebony Sinclair

The First Lady of Pensacola

Ebony Sinclair has been in the drag industry since 1988. She took inspiration from Penny Holiday, Angela Evans (Tissy Malone), and Misty Lamore at the Red Garter in Pensacola, FL. She has worked in many local venues, including The Red Garter, The Grocery Store Cabaret, The Office on Wright Street, Emerald City, and The Roundup. She was the ORIGINAL Dreamgirl Closetball in Mobile, AL. Though she has supported younger queens to grow into themselves, she has never taken on any drag children. Instead, she focuses nurturing the individual talents of aspiring queens. She appeared on the Jenny Jones Show in 1997. She has always wanted to  represent her community in a positive light, to the point where if her name was spoken it was always with a positive connotation. Even though she doesn't perform as often as she would like to due to family obligations, she is always ready to work when she is needed. 

"From your front door you can go anywhere, and do anything you desire. You simply have to open the door and walk forward."